Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Overview of OYOL

After posting this week's assignment, it appears that several of you already have the daily basics down or already have a system set up. And that's perfectly fine. But it dawned on me that you all would probably benefit from a quick overview of where OYOL will take its participants. I don't have the entire thing planned out yet... if I did, I'd be perfectly organized and wouldn't need all this. Ha. Ha.

The first "chapter" is about lining up the basics of home life. It brings us through the bare minimum and pinning down a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly routine of maintenance. We'll sort through all our aspirations and figure out which ones to "cut, combine, or delegate".

After that, we go through more specifics... conquering the overrun areas of our home so that a maintenance routine will work... accomplishing home decor/fixes that we put off... how to organize rooms and closets... how to organized kid stuff... how to fit in ext. family/social "obligations"... how to be a better steward of our online time... managing online business/blogging... ways to simply and quickly make out a weekly menu and shopping list... we'll share ideas on how to organize the whole bills/finances thing... and anything else we may run into along the way.

Anyway, don't know if that helps anyone or not, but I figured you all couldn't see into my brain, and you might be wondering where this is all heading.

I am, of course, open to any ideas. I'm not an expert, at all. That's why I'm going through this.
A note on the worksheets... use them if they are helpful, but feel free to come up with your own "papers" or other system or use others online. I will probably be linking to some of the cool organizational resources I have found. I enjoy making everything coordinate, and if this program goes well and I come out an expert at the end of the year (HA!), I might put it all together as an e-book. Thus all the worksheets, despite availability of something similar elsewhere. So let me know what works and what stinks. Thanks. Ever so much.


  1. I'm loving it so far and you are doing a great job. The plan looks good to me!

  2. Thanks for the overview--sounds like lots of great things ahead!

  3. I don't have a system....please don't move too fast!! ;-)
