Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lilla Rose Flexi Clip Review and Giveaway!!


A couple weeks ago, I had visited the Lilla Rose website of my friend, Misty. I looked at all the Flexi Clips, watched the sizing video and some of the other videos, and wondered if they worked as well as it seemed. I definitely loved how simple and yet pretty they looked, but would they live up to my picky hair accessory standards? I was wishing I could get my hands on one and try it out. Wish granted!

Misty sent me the Simple Danglie clip to try and I just have to say, I LOVE IT!! I like to pull my hair back in a "half up" as Lilla Rose calls it, but I don't do it very often. My hair is too fine for barrettes and slides right out where the ends of the barrette are more roomy. A plastic claw works ok, but it doesn't look all that pretty, and it's doesn't work when I sit in my "nursing the baby" chair, because it rubs on the back of the chair. Rubber band type pony tail holders are uncomfortable and give me a head ache.

The Flexi Clip securely but gently held my hair in the half up and looks pretty and does not stick out so far that it rubs the back of the chair. Not only that, but it also works for a pony tail and for twisting all my hair up into a knot.

It works for any style.

It's comfortable.

It's easy and effortless.

And it looks smart, classy, and pretty.

Good news for you... Misty wants to give one to a lucky winner. All she asks is that you visit her website, look at the flexi clips, and decide which you'd like if you were to win. Comment below with your answer.

And of course, like all good blog giveaways, you have the chance to enter multiple times. Here's a list of  ways to earn an entry. Comment separately for each entry. Giveaway ends Friday, January 21st at 11:59 p.m.

1) Visit Misty's website and comment here which one you would choose if you won. (Mandatory)

2) Blog, Facebook, or Twitter about this giveaway.

3) Like Sweet Hairlooms on Facebook.

4) Follow or Subscribe to this blog, in one form or another.

5) Like this blog on Facebook. (There's a like button in the sidebar.)

6) Like OYOL (One Year to a {More} Organized Life) on Facebook.


  1. Separate comment for each?

    I Tweeted... #momisbarefoot

  2. And... I liked Lilla Rose on FB.

    (Can you tell? I'm LOVING the idea of this!!)

  3. Already following ya! (LOVE your blog, btw)

  4. Liked your OYOL page on FB as well.

  5. Beautiful! I love the etched lily!

  6. I "like" OYOL. :) And I'm sticking with it so far!

  7. I like the Scrollwork Heart.
    I couldn't seem to find a place to comment on her site. Maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place.

  8. I visited the website. I love the danglie drop. And the daisy dangle freestyle is so cute, too! Lots of adorableness. :)

  9. I thought I was already following your blog, but I guess I wasn't. :) Now I am. I have been a subscriber since I found it. :)

  10. And I liked your blog page on FB this morning when you posted the link :)

  11. I love the Celtic Cross ~ and I've had all the same problems as you finding something that works for my crazy hair, but doesn't give me a headache or slide out. I'm going to have to start saving up!!!

  12. I twittered about this, and am headed to FB to post it, also.

  13. my friend Jaime Kae just shared this website with me. I love the Flower Stoneset w/Danglie in the FlexiSmall Hairclip--very adorable and unique. I love the danglie earrings too!

  14. I "liked" you on FB today--both the jewelry and the organization (enjoy both!). Have a dazzling weekend!

  15. How pretty. I like the Celtic brown knot (and lots of other ones!).

  16. I'm following your blog - been subscribed on Reader for a while now. :)

  17. I think we must have similar hair. Mine is too fine to stay in most hair things.

    I love the Celtic cross

    These are going on my Amazon wish list!!! Love them!

  18. Liked OYOL (One Year to a {More} Organized Life) on Facebook.

  19. I would love 1-1433 Celtic Interlace.

  20. I follow you in Google Reader.

  21. I actually love the one you got, the Simple Dangle!

  22. I "like" OYOL on FB.....& am totally excited about this page....

  23. I now have you in my Google Reader

  24. I like the Large 3-0295 Silver scroll-work heart.

  25. I already "like"d Sweet Hairlooms on Facebook a few weeks ago. Does that count?

  26. I shared the giveaway on Facebook, too!

  27. I love the scrollwork butterfly! (Actually, I love them many options!)

  28. I like OYOL on facebook, too. :)

  29. I like so many of them. I'm def gonna have to get one. (or 2 or 3...) =)

  30. I liked the saphire dangle drop clip

  31. liked your blog on facebook

  32. liked sweet heirlooms on facebook

  33. liked oyol on facebook

  34. subscribed to your blog

  35. I love the silver celtic cross flexiclip.

  36. I love the Hawaiian Flower clip in large :)

  37. I follow via GFC :)

  38. I like Unsolicited Advice on FB :)

  39. I like Sweet Hairlooms on FB :)

  40. I like OYOL on FB :)

  41. I'd choose the Flexi Small Flowering Fern- it's very pretty! Thanks!

  42. I love this! I'm silly and couldn't figure out how to see all the styles of the flexi clip, but I browsed around the website, looked at the styles (so pretty!) and I also looove the hairsticks!

    alaskawildrose at gmail dot com

  43. I had a little trouble at first, too. But found the flexi clips. My daughter would look lovely with any of them in either a medium or large. Very pretty stuff!

  44. They are all so pretty! Hard to narrow it down. I loved the Princess Tiara, and the Hawaiian Flower. And the Freestyle Princess Tiara...told you I couldn't choose just one. I think I'd need a large, I have quite a bit of hair.

  45. I love the princess tiara dangle flexi and all the dangle ones!

  46. I follow this blog

  47. I follow on facebook

  48. i like the scrollwork heart
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

  49. posted on fb
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

  50. tweeted
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

  51. i'm a subscriber
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

  52. like on fb
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

  53. liked OYOL on fb
    k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo
