Thursday, April 28, 2011

Toddler/Preschool Busy Bag Swap

Swap Closed! It reached 87 people in a mere 1 1/2 hours. :) If this works out well, maybe we can do another, perhaps by age and level. I will notify the first thirty people soon.

Update: Someone pointed out that there's no way the $5.20 flat rate box will be big enough. Please include $14.95 when you mail your bags to cover the shipping costs of the large flat rate box. Should I be able to make it all fit in a medium box, I will return the extra.

I understand if this is too much. If you'd like to be removed from the list, please email me (link in sidebar) and I will remove you from the list.

As I've been looking at many activity ideas for my kidlets, I came across the wonderful idea of busy bags (or activity bags). A busy bag is a ziploc bag containing a simple, sometimes educational, activity for your child to do either with you or while you need to get other things done.

This bag idea can be found at Walking By the Way.

I found an incredible endless supply of ideas at My Delicious Ambiguity (scroll past sequencing cards). I got so excited about the possibilities that I decided to create a few, only mine never made it into bags, because I've put them together at the moment my kids did them.

As I've tried to put a bit more structure into my chidren's days, I've added an activity time to the morning. This has been wonderful for Ethan, my two year old michevious, mind of his own, mess maker. Starting his day off with structured creativity has decreased his mess making trouble during the rest of the day. These activity bags are perfect for that.

I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a bunch on hand to pull out when needed. It would take a lot of time and work to create a lot of different bags. So why not do a swap?

Wanna join me?

Here's how it would work:

1) You fill out the form below. Once 30 women have signed up or Friday afternoon hits (which ever comes first), the form will be taken down.

2) I email you Friday to let you know you made it into the swap.

3) You reply by noon on Monday with your top three choices or activity bags to create, because I know a lot of you are super creative). Or reply and let me know if you just want one assigned to you. Look around online for ideas if you need them.

4) I will make sure we have no repeats, then email you all back Monday night telling you which activity you will do.

5) Each of us would assemble 30 bags with one identical activity in each bag. (Ex. I would make 30 bags with lacing supplies. You would assemble 30 bags with pom pom sorting supplies.) You may find Oriental Trading to be a good resource for bulk supplies.

6) You should invest no more than about $1 per bag. We're not wanting to spend a fortune here.
7) Mail your bags to me by Wednesday, May 18th,using any shipping method you prefer. Please include $14.95 to cover the return shipping (the cost to ship one large flat rate box. If I am able to ship 30 bags for less, I will return the extra.)

8) I will sort through all the bags, divvy them up so everyone gets one of each, and mail the collection to you on Monday, May 23rd.

9) We then each have a collection of about 30 activity bags to pull out when needed!


  1. This is a wonderful idea! I have been racking my brain on how to entertain our 2 year old and our 4 year old after his short schooling so I can actually work with the older kids peacefully :) Thanks So Much!


  2. This is a great idea but could also do one for older children too? My daughter is 6 and loves this kind of thing!!!

  3. Great idea love it I just dont know what to do with my 2 year old

  4. What a fantastic idea....I have a two year very similiar to yours and if he is not busy he is getting into trouble. He's also very smart! So these would be perfect things to do with him during the day! Thanks for the share!!!

  5. great idea especially for summer months and rainy/snowy days :)

  6. LOVE it! Great idea - I can't wait. =)

  7. What a fantastic idea! I signed up & I posted about it on Facebook. I bet it'll fill up fast :)

  8. All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I just bought the book "how do i teach this kid". Its a ton of activities like this for children with more low functioning autism. (or learning disabled). I just dont have time or energy to assemble them all. My '3yo' on my submission is actually my 8yo that functions at 3yo level (same difference). I have a ton of ideas if you signed up and are not sure what to do.

  9. What a great idea! I'm sad that I saw it too late to sign up. But if any other spots open up I'd love to join in. I have an almost 2 and almost 4 year old.

  10. Man! I thought for sure I was early! Enjoy the time everyone! I would love to do it next time!

  11. If we didn't get an email, does that mean we were too late signing up?

  12. I guess I didn't make it this time. :( Please let me know if you do it again! I'd love to do this, sounds really neat. :)

  13. I'd really like to participate if you do this again! I found you while doing some idea-hunting for a 'busy box' as a gift for my neice.
    My daughter is 19 months old, and as a full time parent AND college student by correspondence, I know all about the importance of busy bags, and have lots of experience and ideas! This is such a great idea! Let me know if you do another run,

  14. I didn't get in but LOVED the idea and so I'm organizing one myself! Go here and let me know if you would like to participate!

  15. i love this idea! im a full time nanny of twins and professional babysitter of many different ages, would definately participate if you do this again!


  16. Love this idea. Hope you will do the swap again soon. Do you have any ideas for older kids?

  17. Ok I am from Reno, Nevada and just read this. I am super bummed that I was unable to participate. I have a 2 and 3yr old and one due in June. I am on bedrest...yuck...i know its been awful.. My hubby has been taking over mommy duties and the kids aren't to thrilled becuase he doesnt do all the fun crafts etc I do with them, poor guy tries but you mommas know that no one does it like we do. So this would be great for him to do with the kids.
    If anyone would send me an email of what their 30 bags included I would be greatly appreciated. I would like to make these bags for him soon so he doesn't go insance. We have been at bedrest for 2 weeks and have 6 more to go. My email is
    When you do the next one I would LOVE to be on the list ")
    Janessa Stephan
    If you want something in return for the 30 bag ideas let me know..I have craft ideas, I make tons of bows for girls, wall art for kids, money etc.

  18. would you sign me up for the next one.

  19. i would LOVE to do this next time you decide too. i have a 3 1/2 yr old and a baby on the way. :)

  20. are you doing this again anytime soon.

  21. are you going to be doing another one of these soon?!? Oh, I hope so. We are moving back overseas in 6 weeks and need some busy bags to take with me.
