Saturday, September 3, 2011

Math and Reading Activity Swap Sign Up

This Swap Is Closed
Please allow one week from the date the swap was closed (11:59 pm, Mon, Sept. 5) to hear from a coordinator.

So, fiiiiiiiinally, here's your chance to sign up for the math and reading swap. I know it would have be so nice to have this done before school started. I wish it had been.

So, here's the scoop...

This swap form will be open until midnight Monday (eastern time). If (due to the holiday weekend) not many people sign up. It may be extended.

1.  READ THIS POST before going any further. (If you already read the new procedures, make sure you check out some changes in #9.) Still think you'd like to join the swap? Then move on...

2.  Look through the following list of activities, and choose you top three choices. Activity assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. While we will take your top three choices into consideration, there is no guarantee that you will be assigned one of them.

I did not have time to check all the activities to insure they are within a $1 per bag budget. Please price out your activity before starting. If it is going to put you over budget, let me or your coordinator know right away, and I will either help you fit it in, or assign you a new activity.

A lot of these activities are paper ones requiring printing and sometimes laminating. It's just the nature of school related activities. If you do not have a printer or access to a laminating machine, please let us know in the comments section of the form. Lamination is only required if the activity will be used for dry erase purposes. Please print non-laminated items on cardstock, unless otherwise noted.

Math and Reading Activities


Spin and Spell - any letter combinations to create any words
(Use a sharpie to label nuts with letters, rather than stickers and mod podge.)

Zap! Sight Word Game - sight words
(Scroll down. Third one in the list. Please include a container of some sort, such as disposable drinking cups, from which to draw the popsicle sticks.)

Sight Word Wheel - sight words
(Scroll way down, about half way down the page. Can use paper plates.)

Word Doctor - CVC words
(Print on cardstock. Lamination is optional. Supply tweezers, but skip the other props. Tweezers can be found in a 2 pack at Dollar Tree.)

Letter Tiles and Two Vowels Speller Cards - two vowels go walking rule
(Print only pages 6 & 7 on cardstock. Lamination is optional.)

Silent E Worksheets - silent e words
(Print only two pages. Laminate back to back, or put them back to back in a sheet protector. Or cover with contact paper. Provide a dry erase marker (packs of 4 at Dollar Tree) or a washable crayon.)

R-Controlled Four in a Row - r controlled vowels
(Print on cardstock. Lamination optional. Include a die.)

Contraction Camera Game - contractions
(You do not need to include the recording sheet. Print on cardstock. Lamination is optional.)

Silly Sentence Game - general reading
(Print on colored paper and laminate OR print on colored cardstock. [different color for the three sentence parts].)

CVC Donuts - CVC words
(Print on cardstock. Lamination is optional.)

Digraph Die - th, ch, sh, wh, tr, dr
(Feel free to diviate from the die template. Use can use small 3/4" blocks  or foam cubes and write on them with a sharpie. Please use the following digraphs and blends: the, ch, sh, wh, tr, dr.)

Toss, Read, and Write - cl, bl, fl, pl, gl, sl
(Scroll about a quarter way down the page until you come to the photo of a muffin tin. You do not need to include a recording sheet with this activity. Just the muffin tin [or other such item, if it the foil muffin pans are too expensive] with the sections labled, and a pom pom. Please use the following sounds: cl, bl, fl, gl, pl, sl.)

Power Tower - ay, eigh, ow, ou, ew, ui, ei, igh
(Use 3 oz. paper water cups. Walmart has packs of 100 Dixie cups for under $4. You do not need to provide Pringles canisters. Please use words with the following sounds: ow [as in cow], ou [as in out], ew [as in new], ui [as in fruit], ei [as in reign], eigh [as in neigh])

Ah! Cute Babies File Folder Game - au, aw, and short o
(Printing on regular copy paper is fine. Use whatever file folders you wish.)

Making Words File Game - combining beginning, middle, and ending sounds
(Printing on regular paper is fine. Use whatever file folders you wish. I am unsure of the cost of the post its. You are welcome to come up with a different way, if needed.)


Place Value Cups - place value
(Provide cups, counting items, and one recording sheet. The receiving moms can print more should they wish to.)

Fraction Action - basic fractions
(Purchase 3 large foam shapes per bag [circles, squares, or rectangles - check Dollar Tree]. Leave one whole and write the number one in the middle. Cut the other in half, and write 1/2 on each half. Cut the last shape in 1/4s and label each quarter with "1/4". Use these as teaching tools and also as puzzles, by asking the child to creat 3/4, etc.)

Felt Number Tiles - provides hands on equation building
(Please provide numbers 1-10 and the signs +, -, and =.)

Bankrupt! Money Game - coin values
(Provide popsicle sticks with plastic or paper [cardstock] coins glued on, and a container such as a disposable drinking cup from which to draw the popsicle sticks.)

Odds and Evens Game - odd and even numbers
(This link is a round about way to get to the directions. Scroll past all the photos. Click on the first sentence of the third paragraph under the photos. This will open a Word document with several math games listed. Odds and Evens is the first game on the list. Please provide counters [such as beans] and a pair of dice.)

Round It Game - rounding to the nearest ten
(This link is a round about way to get to the directions. Scroll past all the photos. Click on the first sentence of the third paragraph under the photos. This will open a Word document with several math games listed. Odds and Evens is the second game on the fourth page. Please provide a deck of cards [2 pk. at Dollar Tree] and a hundreds chart printed on cardstock.)

Add and Subtract Mat - addition and subtraction
(Please print board and pieces on cardstock. Lamination is optional. Paper counters are optional. you may provide beans or other small items in place of the paper counters.)

Bill Buster File Folder Game - quarters to dollars & dollars to quarters
(This is another file folder game. Print pieces on regular copy paper. Use whatever folder you wish. Contact me if you need help figuring out the assembling.)

Time is Up! Game - telling time, digital and analog clocks
(Please provide 2 game boards printed on cardstock and some sort of game pieces marked with digital times [can be squares cut from foam sheets or whatever else you can think of that fits in the budget]).

Measurement Journal - measuring
(Please provide measuring tool(s) [as many as you can fit in your budget]. Ideas: a ruler [check Dollar Tree for pacaks], measuring spoons, measuring tape, plastic measuring glass. Include a small notebook [look for packs of tiny composition books or spiral flip notebooks] for child to record what he measures and its measurement.)

Counting Coconuts - counting & beginning addition
(Scroll down until you see a felt coconut tree. Please provide a small felt board [a half sheet of felt glued to a half sheet of cardstock], a felt coconut tree, 12 felt coconuts, and 2 die [Dollar Tree].)

Shape Graphing - shapes & bar graphs
(Scroll down to the sixth photo. Print sheet and laminate [or cover with contact paper or slip into a sheet protector]. Create a shapes die using a small wooden block or foam cube. Use a sharpie to draw shapes on the die. Please also include a dry erase marker [Dollar Tree] or washable crayon.)

Egg Carton Shake It Up - equation practice
(If this activity is assigned to you and you do not have access to egg cartons, let me or your coordinator know immediately. We can assign you another activity. You may substitute the erasers for any small item, such as large beans.)

Dice Greater or Lesser - greater than, lesser than
(Print, laminate [or contact paper or sheet protectors]. Include dice {Dollar Tree] and a dry erase marker [Dollar Tree] or washable crayon.)

Reading or Math

Flippin' Cookies - any skill
(Print, laminte, cut out pieces. Please include a dry erase marker [Dollar Tree]. True laminatation works best for this activity. Please do not substitute contact paper as it is not stiff enough. If you are assigned this activity and do  not have access to a home laminator, please let me or your coordinator know right away.)

Build a Sandwich - any skill
(Print, laminate, and cut out pieces. Please provide a dry erase marker [Dollar Tree].)

Fish for Knowlege - any skill
(Link provides the concept. To make it busy bag friendly: Create a fishing rod using an unsharpened pencil, yarn [string, etc.], and a strong magnet. Create simple fish shapes. Attach a paper clip. Laminate. Include a dry erase marker [Dollar Tree] or washable crayon. Parent writes words or equations, etc. on the fish. Student catches one fish at a time and reads the word or answers the equation.)

3. Fill out the form below. If you wish to simply be assigned an activity without listing your preferences, please select "other" in the activity drop down menus.

4. You will be contacted by a coordinator within a week.


  1. I am so excited! Wish I had signed up for the preschool swap a few months back...hope you will do another one soon! :)

  2. I am interested in being a coordinator!

  3. Signed up for this one but I would also be interested in the preschool/toddler swap too if you choose to do one again. Thanks!

  4. Signed up for this but still waiting on my K-2nd swap box to be shipped. Cant wait.

  5. I really wanted to sign up for a swap and am sad it is already closed. I was away for the holiday weekend. :(

  6. I am sad this Busy Bag swap is all ready closed. I would love to participate in the next one.

  7. Would love to know about one for preschoolers!

  8. If you need a replacement I am in. Wasn't on my computer this weekend.

  9. I'd love to do this with my son. Are you still doing it?
