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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lyrical Devotions - Is He Truly My Everything?

"Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you."
Ps. 73:25

"Looking for meaning
Looking for love
Looking for something to
Never give up
You are the one
You are the one
Looking for purpose in all
Of the pain
Looking for someone to
Hold in the rain
You are the one
You are the one

You are life more beautiful
You are love more powerful
You are the light that always shines
You are the one

You came in my darkness
You came in my night
You came without warning
You came to my side
You are the one
You are the one
There’s no before you
There’s no too late
There’s no without you
There’s only today
You are the one
You are the one

You are life more beautiful
You are love more powerful
You are the light that always shines
You are the one
You are the song I wanna sing
You are here
You are everything
You are the light that always shines
You are the one

And I will never move on from you
Oh oh
I will never move on from you

You are life more beautiful
You are love more powerful
You are the light that always shines
You are the one
You are the song I gotta sing
You are here
You are everything"

I had a full day today. Two doctor appointments in one day in the frigid, icy weather... one for me and one for my baby girl. Combined, I spent 3 hours and 5 minutes in doctors' offices. 115 of those minutes were spent waiting. But that has nothing to do with this song.

I stopped at Starbucks today. Yum. That does have something to do with this song, because it was playing as I pulled into their drivethru. It reminded me of Psalm 73:25, "...there is none on earth that I desire besides you."

It was like a good kick in the pants, really. Is there really nothing else that I desire besides Him? Do I spend my days longing for something or someone? Do I count down hours until someone or something can rescue me from whatever problem or boredom or stress I think I have? You know, I had to answer yes to those last two questions.

I know in my head (but sometimes the heart forgets), that nothing satisfies, except Christ. Nothing brings peace, except the Prince of Peace. Nothing and no one is trustworthy, except the Faithful One. Nothing and no one secures, except the all sovereign God.
Food doesn't satisfy. It only makes me fat, and I'm left wanting more.

Entertainment doesn't remove stress. It only adds to it as I realize I wasted my time when I could have been working to reduce stress or getting the sleep I need.

Dr. Pepper, music, the internet, silence... none of these things bring permanent peace. Perhaps for the moment, but they are simply an escape from reality. And when reality screams louder than these distractions, the peace runs away.

Even marriage, though a beautiful thing, does not bring perfect security. There are lonely days. There are insecure days. There are days of longing. There are days when desires do not coincide. Husbands and wives are human. They make mistakes. Trust is easily broken.

But this one thing is TRUE. God is the all satisfying, faithful, sovereign Prince of Peace, and when I find myself longing and searching and wanting, I have only to hold my empty heart up to my Lord and let Him fill it. Because, after all... He is the One.

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