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Saturday, February 19, 2011

OYOL Report

Bare Minimum: Eh. It's going ok. Most days I get to it. But the days that I don't pretty much put me right back as super behind again. This past weekend, when I was feeling sick and my husband was gone most of the day Saturday, I did not get to everything on the bare minimum for four days straight. Since then, I feel like I'm running on a treadmill. I'm going, even going fast, but I'm not getting anywhere. I'm hoping having a routine in line will help with that.

Kids' Chores: Nothing has changed on that. Once again... hoping a routine will fix that.

Daily and Weekly Routine: This was harder than I thought it was going to be. I've been without any sort of routine for so long, I wasn't even sure where to start, even with all the brainstorming we've been doing lately. But here's what I came up with.

I also put together a Master Battle Plan for playing ketchup catch-up, which you'll find along with my routine. When I get behind, which is more often than not, I feel so overwhelmed I don't know where to start. I literally cannot find a starting point. I see a huge mess, not a series of small messes. So this battle plan will actually be a huge help to me.

Here is a Word document version of my routine and battle plan charts, in case you want to edit them on the computer and use them yourself.

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